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Sales Support Specialist

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Sales Support Specialists provide assistance to the sales team to ensure customers are satisfied with the sales department’s performance. They’ll complete clerical and administrative duties for the sales team, like scheduling appointments, answering customers’ questions and informing customers of their order statuses. Sales Support Specialists are responsible for gathering lists of sales leads and distributing them equally to sales team members.
Co dělá Sales Support Specialist?
A Sales Support Specialist, or Sales Customer Support Specialist, assists the sales team in obtaining and keeping customers by performing administrative and clerical tasks. Their main duties include responding to customer complaints and questions, making sure orders are processed on time and scheduling sales meetings and appointments.
Sales Support Specialist by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Sales Support Specialist být schopen vykonávat:
  • Compiling daily lists of leads and delegating them to sales team associates
  • Maintaining an accessible and organized filing system for sales and administrative professionals
  • Handling all administrative duties for the sales department or team, including scheduling client conferences and meetings
  • Providing assistance to management team members and executives as needed
  • Performing data entry duties in regards to metrics, sales figures and other key data
  • Expediting requests rush orders and altering sales orders and shipping information as required
Požadované dovednosti
Konkurenční Sales Support Specialist bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
  • Computer literacy: In addition to data entry and typing, Sales Support Specialists need to have knowledge of basic spreadsheet and word processing creation software.
  • Time management and organization: These professionals use a variety of organization methods, including calendar management, to handle multiple projects at one time and completing tasks efficiently and quickly.
  • Customer service: Sales Support Specialists should have strong professional conversation etiquette, especially in person and over the phone when interacting with company representatives, clients and customers.
  • Communication: Clear communication and the ability to explain concepts in simple terms are used to help the customer work through problems and accurately describe products.
  • Problem-solving: These professionals should be able to use critical and creative thinking to identify and resolve issues with products and orders.
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