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Prodej > Sales Clerk
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Sales Clerk

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Sales Clerks can work for various retail stores, including large department stores, shopping malls, locally-owned shops or boutiques. They work closely with other Sales Clerks to help customers learn more about products and how they can use them in their daily lives. Their job is to check the storeroom for customers to see if they still have remaining inventory of a particular product and notify customers of incoming shipments. They may also be responsible for cleaning surfaces before, during and after business hours, including mopping floors, dusting shelves and vacuuming entry mats.
Co dělá Sales Clerk ?
A Sales Clerk , or Sales Associate, is responsible for supporting the daily operations of a retail store by maintaining positive relationships with customers and organizing display shelves. Their duties include greeting customers and helping them find specific products within the store, taking inventory of products and restocking shelves as needed and managing the POS system to administer refunds or process payments for customers.
Sales Clerk by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Sales Clerk být schopen vykonávat:
  • Greeting customers as they enter the store
  • Working at the point-of-sale counter to process transactions
  • Assisting customers in locating products by going through the inventory
  • Calling other store locations to find items that are not available in the store based on customer requests
  • Suggesting new items to customers based on their selections
  • Entering sales data and customer data into the company database
Požadované dovednosti
Konkurenční Sales Clerk bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
  • Customer service: This skill involves interacting with customers and assisting them in their purchasing process.
  • Computer skills: These skills involve using computer technologies for keeping records, checking inventory and processing financial transactions. A Sales Clerk uses digital technologies and computer programs to provide customer service and process sales.
  • Time management: This skill involves managing several job duties while providing timely service to customers. A Sales Clerk may need to handle multiple customers during periods with a high level of in-store traffic.
  • Communication skills: Good verbal communication skills are essential for this job. A Sales Clerk uses verbal communication to assist customers and build friendly relationships.
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