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Research Analyst

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💎 Jiný
Research Analysts typically work for corporations across industries and contribute their expertise to a specific department or overall business operations. They work closely with other Research Analysts to analyze data, prove or disprove hypotheses and present their findings to business professionals. Their job is to gather past and present industry data to make predictions. They may also be responsible for offering their professional opinion about whether a company should pursue certain business opportunities.
Co dělá Research Analyst ?
A Research Analyst, or Researcher, is responsible for using their knowledge of research tools and industry trends to conduct research projects. Their duties include communicating with business owners and industry professionals to identify research objectives, reviewing statistical data or industry reports to aid research projects and compiling their findings into a comprehensive report for their employer to use when making business decisions.
Research Analyst by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Research Analyst být schopen vykonávat:
  • Use mathematical models to come up with objective answers based on historical data.
  • Perform research to base buy or sell recommendations to money managers, brokerages or investors.
  • Analyze data using statistical software.
  • Identify trends and make recommendations to improve.
  • Create presentations with charts and graphs to present to higher-ups and management.
  • Develop recommendations for the future of the business.
Požadované dovednosti
Konkurenční Research Analyst bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
  • Research analysts should know how to use a computer in order to perform data research. Statistical software and creating charts and graphs is done via a computer.
  • Communication skills are important in order to present the results of the data collected. Analysts present their findings to clients and managers.
  • The ability to communicate effectively with all types of people is important, as research analysts deal with co-workers, managers, clients and vendors in their job.
  • Research analysts should use their advanced organizational skills in order to multi-task effectively and meet deadlines.
  • Analytical skills is very important as a research analyst because they deal with mathematical models, statistics and the gathering of data to reach conclusions.
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