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Prodej > Realtor
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🛒 Prodej


🛒 Prodej
🛒 Prodej
Realtors typically work for realtor firms or as self-employed individuals to provide clients with beneficial guidance throughout the buying, selling or renting process. They work closely with Real Estate Brokers and other real estate professionals to get advice and learn about new listings. Their job is to find commercial or residential properties that reflect most or all of their clients’ needs. They may also be responsible for hiring and overseeing a team of Real Estate Agents at their firm to carry out client needs on their behalf.
Co dělá Realtor?
A Realtor, or Licensed Real Estate Agent, is responsible for using their qualifications and market knowledge to help clients purchase or sell commercial and residential properties. Their duties include researching available listings that align with their clients’ criteria, scheduling showing times to give clients tours of available properties and overseeing negotiations between their client and a buyer or seller.
Realtor by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Realtor být schopen vykonávat:
  • Develop a marketing plan for clients designed to attract and address the needs of buyers
  • Gather client information concerning their desired features in a home, financial ability, home types and neighborhoods of interest
  • Pre-screen and qualify all potential buyers before allowing them onto a client’s property
  • Assist clients as they explore their financial options
  • Preside over negotiations and advise clients on suitable courses of action
Požadované dovednosti
Konkurenční Realtor bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
  • Excellent negotiation skills with clients and other realtors to arrive at agreeable sales terms
  • Good verbal and written communication skills to be able to prepare documents and speak with client, financial professionals and other Realtors
  • Strong time management and organizational skills to keep track of appointments and commitments with buyers and sellers
  • Outstanding promotional and marketing skills to attract buyers and establish their client base through referrals, advertising and outreach
  • Knowledge of the local real estate market concerning average property prices, neighborhoods within sales territory and current trends
  • Great client service skills and ability to understand the needs of clients in terms of what they are looking for and what is practical within their price range
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