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Zdraví > Radiologic Technologist
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Radiologic Technologist

💊 Zdraví
💊 Zdraví
Radiologic Technologists work at doctors offices, hospitals, labs and imaging centers to operate X-ray, CT, mammogram, sonogram and MRI machines among other imaging equipment. Their role is to coach the patient through a scan and use computers to collect information about their health. Radiologic Technicians are in charge of keeping patients and medical staff safe by appropriately preparing an exam room and outfitting all parties with the necessary protective equipment.
Co dělá Radiologic Technologist?
A Radiologic Technologist, or X-Ray Technologist, is a medical professional responsible for using imaging machines and tools to create a map of a patient’s internal tissues and organ systems to assess their overall health. Their duties include explaining procedures to patients, calibrating imaging equipment and preparing results.
Radiologic Technologist by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Radiologic Technologist být schopen vykonávat:
  • Follow instructions from Physicians regarding which area of the patient’s body needs imaging
  • Talk the patient through the procedure and answer questions to lower their anxiety
  • Correctly position the patient, adjust the imaging equipment to the specified position
  • Prevent unnecessary radiation exposure both to themselves and to the patient
  • Follow correct techniques and procedures such as patient shielding
  • Keep good patient records
Požadované dovednosti
Konkurenční Radiologic Technologist bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
  • A Radiologic Technologist needs communication skills to compassionately and accurately explain to the patient what they are about to experience. They must also be able to clearly communicate test results to doctors and staff.
  • To be able to calibrate and maintain radiology equipment a Radiologic Technologist needs technical knowledge. Each machine model is different, so a Radiologic Technologist will have to learn and relearn technology as it changes.
  • Because a Radiologic Technologist spends many hours on their feet, they must have stamina. There are also times when a Radiologic Technologist must physically help patients, which calls for physical strength.
  • A successful Radiologic Technologist must be comfortable interacting with patients and be comfortable with the human body.
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