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Finance > Quantitative Analyst
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Quantitative Analyst

💰 Finance
💰 Finance
Many Quantitative Analysts perform statistical research for commercial banks, investment firms, hedge funds, insurance companies and other financial institutions. Their reports and presentations inform key decision-makers on new avenues of investment that could be profitable, how to price securities and strategies for risk management. As a result, Quants Analysts help drive the financial success of the institutions that employ them. Some Quantitative Analysts work for financial tech companies, developing core algorithms that allow financial software programs to work properly. These Quants Analysts are integral to the product development process.
Co dělá Quantitative Analyst?
A Quantitative Analyst, also called a Quants Analyst or a Quant, creates and uses mathematical models to analyze financial markets. Some typical duties in a Quantitative Analyst job description may include programming computer algorithms, collaborating with other financial professionals and recommending trading strategies based on statistical models.
Quantitative Analyst by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Quantitative Analyst být schopen vykonávat:
  • Reading academic, financial texts to identify potential avenues of research
  • Collaborating with the finance team to explore possible trading strategies
  • Using coding languages to develop algorithms for evaluating hypothetical trading strategies
  • Running tests to explore trading strategies and refine algorithms
  • Analyzing the results of testing to conclude the risks and benefits of trading strategies
  • Giving presentations to explain the results of testing
Požadované dovednosti
Konkurenční Quantitative Analyst bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
  • Mastery of advanced mathematics, such as statistics, probability theory, linear algebra, differential equations and calculus
  • In-depth understanding of financial markets and financial risk management
  • Extensive knowledge of computer programming languages, such as C++, R, SQL and Perl
  • Computer skills to utilize programming environment, statistical, presentation, word processing, spreadsheet, database and other software programs
  • Analytical skills to interpret complex data and arrive at meaningful conclusions
  • Problem-solving and critical thinking skills to refine algorithms during the testing process
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