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Zdraví > Psychiatric Nurse
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Psychiatric Nurse

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💊 Zdraví
Psychiatric Nurses work as part of a mental health care team to provide treatment to patients who need psychiatric care. They can work in clinical settings, such as hospitals or outpatient clinics, and non-clinical facilities, such as schools, nursing homes and correctional facilities. Regardless of where they work, they provide direct patient care, which can include treatments, medication and education. Psychiatric Nurses might perform intake evaluations and continue to monitor the patient, looking for any changes and reporting them to the physician in charge. They help patients find the coping mechanisms, medications and treatments that assist them in managing their mental health conditions.
Co dělá Psychiatric Nurse?
A Psychiatric Nurse, or mental health nurse, provides direct patient mental health care based on the orders of a doctor or nurse practitioner. Their duties include administering medications, implementing treatment plans and educating patients.
Psychiatric Nurse by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Psychiatric Nurse být schopen vykonávat:
  • Following the doctor’s orders and treatment plans
  • Collaborating with other medical professionals
  • Administering medications and monitoring responses to medication
  • Conducting screenings and evaluations and monitoring patients
  • Educating patients and family members
  • Documenting all treatments, medications and other patient care aspects in medical records
Požadované dovednosti
Konkurenční Psychiatric Nurse bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
  • Strong decision-making and professional judgment
  • Effective interpersonal communication skills
  • Understanding of psychiatric conditions and treatments
  • Proficiency in administering various medications and treatment protocols
  • Ability to work well as part of a treatment team
  • Ability to develop relationships and trust with patients and their families
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