Jiný > Production Assistant
Production Assistant
Production Assistants are entry-level employees who work on television or film studios, or backstage for theatrical productions. They typically complete basic clerical tasks to keep the set running smoothly. Production Assistants are typically responsible for getting the set, Cast and Crew Members ready for filming or rehearsing.
A Production Assistant, or Production Crew Assistant, serves on film, television or theater sets assisting the Producers and Directors of a production. Their main duties include printing and distributing scripts, relaying messages between crew members and running errands for Directors and Producers.
Production Assistant by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Production Assistant být schopen vykonávat:
- Moving equipment up to 50 lbs
- Answering phones
- Handling paperwork related to production
- Operating common office equipment like copiers, scanners and fax machines
- Assisting the production team with lights, cameras and set up where needed
Konkurenční Production Assistant bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
- Creative thinking and problem-solving ability
- Good listening skills
- Excellent attention to detail
- Flexibility and willingness to adapt to changes
- Self-motivation
- Patience and the ability to maintain a professional demeanor
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Pro tuto práci je k dispozici úkol Paidwork. Přeskočte nábor a začněte vydělávat ještě dnes!
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