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Marketing > Managing Editor
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Managing Editor

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Managing Editors oversee an organization’s content team to ensure their pieces promote their brand in a positive and engaging way. They’ll use analytical tools to monitor different campaigns’ progress and will build strategies to improve their content according to these results. Managing Editors will also conduct research on their target audience to determine the best ways to reach and engage with them.
Co dělá Managing Editor?
A Managing Editor, or Content Manager, creates content strategies and oversees their implementation processes. Their main duties include managing a team of writers, editors and graphic designers, monitoring the results of various content campaigns and editing content pieces to ensure they follow tone and style guides.
Managing Editor by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Managing Editor být schopen vykonávat:
  • Hiring and training new Editors
  • Meeting with Project Managers, Creative Directors, Sales Leaders, Marketing Directors and other personnel to keep all team members updated on work progress
  • Helping create a project calendar
  • Supervising the content creation process from writing through editing and publishing
  • Managing a team of freelancers
Požadované dovednosti
Konkurenční Managing Editor bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
  • Leadership skills
  • Time management skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Multitasking skills
  • Project management skills
  • The ability to coordinate with remote employees
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