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Floor Manager

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Floor Managers work primarily in restaurants, hotels and retail stores. In any setting, they help contribute to the success of a business. Through their hiring, training, coaching and scheduling duties, they help ensure that a business has enough people on hand to serve customers well. They also make sure employees have the knowledge and skills needed to perform their roles and that customers receive exemplary service. A successful Floor Manager can help raise customer satisfaction rates to encourage repeat business while creating a positive work environment that reduces employee turnover and increases morale.
Co dělá Floor Manager?
A Floor Manager, or Floor Walker, serves as a supervisor for the activities that take place in the primary or sole area where customers are. In a typical Floor Manager job description, duties may include assisting customers with their needs, handling customer complaints and providing coaching and training to other employees who work on the floor.
Floor Manager by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Floor Manager být schopen vykonávat:
  • Greeting and assisting customers
  • Walking the floor and addressing any issues related to appearance and cleanliness
  • Hiring and training new floor employees
  • Handling customer complaints
  • Coaching and disciplining employees, as needed
  • Creating schedules and processing time-off requests
Požadované dovednosti
Konkurenční Floor Manager bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
  • Strong interpersonal skills to set the stage for positive interactions with employees and customers
  • Problem-solving skills to resolve staffing issues and handle customer complaints
  • Multitasking skills to perform a variety of duties during working hours
  • Oral communication skills to facilitate the sharing of information with coworkers and customers
  • Observation skills to spot issues on the floor and see that they get resolved promptly
  • Computer skills to operate HR, email, word processing, spreadsheet, POS, reservation booking and other software programs and apps
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