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Enterprise Architect
Enterprise Architects work to improve a company’s efficiencies and organizational structure by building a new IT infrastructure and improving their current one. They build a clear strategy and direction for how to integrate a business’ current information programs and applications to increase productivity and structure in the workplace. Enterprise Architects also design, coordinate and manage the organization’s architecture models to help it perform more effectively and enhance their technology processes. They’re also responsible for evaluating the systems engineering and talent recruiting processes of an organization to spot any vulnerabilities or discrepancies in their system. Enterprise Architects will create training materials to improve employees’ awareness and knowledge of these systems so they can use these computer systems more effectively.
An Enterprise Architect, or Enterprise Solution Architect, designs a company’s IT structure to ensure it aligns well with the business’ organizational structure and processes. Their main duties include developing ways to integrate the business’ IT systems, creating and implementing enterprise architecture models and suggesting improvements to current internal functions and IT processes.
Enterprise Architect by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Enterprise Architect být schopen vykonávat:
- Project management abilities
- Strong interpersonal skills
- Excellent time management skills
- Working with and staying within a budget
- Apply systems thinking
- IT strategic development skills
Konkurenční Enterprise Architect bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
- Preparing proposals and estimates for the design and implementation of IT systems
- Hiring, training, and assigning responsibilities to coworkers
- Completing IT assignments on time
- Monitoring the work of employees during the project completion
- Using corrective measures when the project plan is off course
- Helping managerial staff develop policies and guidelines
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