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Jiný > Ecologist
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💎 Jiný


💎 Jiný
💎 Jiný
Ecologists conduct research that deepens society’s understanding of ecosystems. Some specialize in industrial ecology, advising companies on the potential environmental impact of manufacturing and construction. Others work for regulatory bodies and government agencies, investigating ecosystems and advising environmental policy and how to protect and restore endangered or damaged ecosystems. Alternatively, Ecologists may work at universities and colleges, where they perform research and teach courses on ecology.
Co dělá Ecologist?
An Ecologist, or Ecology Scientist, studies organisms living within particular ecosystems. Duties in an Ecologist job description may include conducting field research and environmental surveys to identify the organisms in ecosystems, analyzing data to draw conclusions and sharing findings in written reports and verbal presentations.
Ecologist by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Ecologist být schopen vykonávat:
  • Designing studies to investigate specific ecosystems
  • Conducting fieldwork by collecting soil and water samples, making observations and performing other tasks
  • Analyzing data using statistical models and scientific equipment
  • Writing papers that summarize research findings
  • Producing environmental surveys and impact reports
  • Presenting papers at conferences and to internal collaborators
Požadované dovednosti
Konkurenční Ecologist bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
  • Thorough understanding of research methods, including the use of statistical models
  • In-depth knowledge of biology, chemistry, physics, climatology, geography and geology
  • Analytical skills to assess data and arrive at conclusions
  • Observational skills to conduct fieldwork
  • Written skills to prepare organized, clear papers
  • Verbal communication skills to share recommendations and give presentations on findings
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