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Dog Trainer

💎 Jiný
💎 Jiný
Dog Trainers play an essential role in helping puppies learn how to be safe and thrive as they grow to maturity. Basic training typically focuses on obedience, including working with dogs who need help understanding how to walk on a leash, sit and heel on command and use a doggy door. Dog Trainers can also help owners mitigate problematic behaviors that may emerge as a dog ages or as a result of trauma or neglect. A skilled Dog Trainer can meet and evaluate a dog and create a custom training plan that reflects the owner’s concerns and works on underlying issues that are likely feeding into the dog’s undesirable behavior. An example of this might be finding ways to alleviate a dog’s boredom to prevent digging in the yard or chewing carpet.
Co dělá Dog Trainer?
Dog Trainers work with dogs to teach obedience and tricks and to address undesirable behaviors. Dog Trainer job descriptions often focus on three primary duties: evaluating each dog’s individual needs, establishing training goals and a training plan and overseeing the actual training process.
Dog Trainer by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Dog Trainer být schopen vykonávat:
  • Interviewing dog owners to understand challenges and goals
  • Evaluating dogs in person and identifying potential challenges
  • Creating custom training plans for each dog
  • Training dogs to walk on and off-leash
  • Obedience training, such as training dogs to respond to commands
  • Socializing dogs with other household pets and teaching them “play etiquette”
Požadované dovednosti
Konkurenční Dog Trainer bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
  • Patience, consistency and the ability to reign in emotions
  • Attention to detail, particularly concerning subtle dog behaviors and common examples of canine communication
  • Knowledge of different dog breeds and inherent behavioral variances
  • Strong people-to-people communication skills
  • Past experience and education in dog training, behavior modification and related skills
  • Familiarity with and/or mastery of job-specific terms and concepts like behavior chains and leash training
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