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Finance > Credit Controller
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💰 Finance

Credit Controller

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💰 Finance
Credit Controllers typically work for corporations, insurance companies, financial agencies, credit agencies or credit unions to protect their company’s revenue streams. They work closely with other financial professionals to monitor and update their credit control systems. Their job is to maintain records for invoices, credit applications or loan contracts to track payments. They may also be responsible for helping customers figure out a payment plan for paying off debts owed to their company.
Co dělá Credit Controller?
Credit Controller, is responsible for assessing credit applications and adhering to company payment policies. Their duties include evaluating financial records to determine an applicant’s eligibility, contacting customers or clients to notify them of missed payments and coordinate with marketing sales and accounting professionals to determine payment protocols.
Credit Controller by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Credit Controller být schopen vykonávat:
  • Develop and monitor a credit control system in collaboration with sales and marketing, finance and executive team members.
  • Establish policies that follow customer service best practices while ensuring customers submit payments on time.
  • Check consumer credit reports, approve or deny applications and communicate decisions to the appropriate personnel in a timely manner.
  • Negotiate payment plans with consumers and set loan terms and conditions accordingly.
  • Maintain loan records, conduct regular analysis of the credit-control system and implement changes as needed to reduce bad debts.
  • Report any payment issues to management or the appropriate team.
Požadované dovednosti
Konkurenční Credit Controller bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
  • Strong organization skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Communication skills
  • Familiarity with data entry and analysis
  • Ability to listen to customers and negotiate solutions
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