Finance > Accounts Payable Specialist
Accounts Payable Specialist
Accounts Payable Specialists are typically employed by accounting firms or corporations. They reconcile and verify invoices within the finance department of a corporation. They usually assist accountants and auditors in preparing documentation up until tax season. They may also be responsible for paying company bills and ensuring that financial statements include the correct information.
An Accounts Payable Specialist is responsible for the financial processing of transactions for an organization. Their duties include daily bookkeeping and record keeping, financial reporting and the preparation of tax records for financial audits.
Accounts Payable Specialist by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Accounts Payable Specialist být schopen vykonávat:
- Managing accounts payable using accounting software and other programs
- Handling accounts payable for separate entities and vendors
- Analyzing workflow processes
- Establishing and maintaining relationships with new and existing vendors
- Ensuring bills and payroll are paid in a timely and accurate manner while adhering to departmental procedures
- Processing due invoices for payments
- Comparing purchase orders, prices, terms of payment and other charges
- Processing transactions and performing accounting duties such as account maintenance, recording entries and reconciling books of accounts
Konkurenční Accounts Payable Specialist bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
- Competency with QuickBooks, Xero, Zoho Books and other accounting tools
- Basic data entry skills
- Comfortable with math and calculations
- Good listening and communication skills
- Attention to detail
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