Vzdělání > Academic Advisor
Academic Advisor
Education and training requirements for Academic Advisors vary depending on their specific position and the type of institution they work for. An Academic Advisor at a university usually holds a master’s degree and has several years of experience in advis
An Academic Advisor, or College Advisor, is responsible for working with students in high schools, colleges and universities to help them meet the requirements to graduate and earn their desired degree. Their duties include helping students pick a potenti
Academic Advisor by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Academic Advisor být schopen vykonávat:
- Meet with students regularly to review degree progress and graduation requirements
- Review placement tests and certifications with students to ensure they are fulfilling requirements and are placed in the proper classes or programs
- Keep up with registration deadlines and help make sure students register on time
- Assist students with any changes in their course of study
- Attend college fairs to meet with potential students
- Review career goals with students and help them follow the proper track to reach their goals
Konkurenční Academic Advisor bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
- A bachelor’s degree or master’s degree
- Excellent organizational skills
- 2-3 years of advising experience
- Knowledge and understanding of education and degree requirements for students wanting to graduate
- Superb communication skills
- Excellent interpersonal skills, especially with students
- Understanding of the skills and education necessary for students to enter various professions
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