Florists work closely with clients to understand their vision for an arrangement or event decor. They then apply their artistic skills and understanding of plant and floral arrangements to create arrangements and decor to meet or exceed customer expectations. Well-trained and talented Florists can be important additions to businesses such as floral shops, event venues and event planning teams.
একজন Florist কী করে?
A Florist, or Floral Designer, works with plants and flowers, creating aesthetically pleasing arrangements for customers and events. When creating a Florist job description, you may want to include common responsibilities such as purchasing and managing floral inventories, creating arrangements to customer specifications and providing customer service.
A Florist বিভিন্ন দায়িত্ব ও দায়িত্ব পালন করতে সক্ষম হওয়া উচিত। নিম্নলিখিত কিছু কর্তব্য এবং দায়িত্বগুলি একজন Floristকে সম্পাদন করতে সক্ষম হওয়া উচিত:
Advising customers about floral options based on budgets and other factors
Educating clients about the meaning or traditions related to certain flowers chosen for an arrangement
Taking orders and arranging deliveries of arrangements
Setting up displays for businesses or events
Packing and protecting arrangements and other floral items for transport
Purchasing and caring for flowers, greenery and other foliage required for future arrangements
প্রয়োজনীয় দক্ষতা
একজন প্রতিযোগিতামূলক Florist এর কিছু দক্ষতা এবং যোগ্যতা থাকবে, যার মধ্যে রয়েছে:
An understanding of botany and how various plants may work when arranged together
Knowledge of plant and flower traditions, specifically what various options might mean when included in a display or gift arrangement
Some basic structural design skills to aid in creating large floral arrangements for wedding or party venues
Communication skills required to understand what clients want and appropriately convey the options that might work for them
Customer service skills to support taking and managing orders and ensuring customers have a good experience
অনুরূপ অফার
আপনি যদি একটি Florist-এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত পদের জন্য নিয়োগ করেন, অনুরূপ ভূমিকার জন্য আমাদের কাজের বিবরণ দেখুন: